Post Audit Recovery for Walmart suppliers

SupplyPike’s comprehensive Post Audit tracking and recovery service provides visibility into supplier audits while helping fight back against invalid charges from Walmart.

All research work and sourcing of detailed proof documentation is handled by our Audit Team.
We guide your team or handle negotiations with the auditing firm based on your preference.
Root Cause
Identify issues at their source and get process suggestions to help you avoid or prepare for future audits.

Fast Pitch: Post Audit Service

At Walmart, Post Audits can be crippling for a supplier’s business, and they can sneak up out of nowhere. Tune in to hear about how SupplyPike’s new service can help fight back!

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Respond quickly to dispute invalid Post Audits


Average business days to complete research


Average % of audits that are at least partially invalid


Start-up fee, so utilizing the service carries zero risk

Post Audit visibility and insights

The level of visibility SupplyPike provides gives suppliers the ability to identify, report on, and better understand Walmart Post Audits. Gain insight into new and historical Post Audit charges and paybacks – even those that our Audit Team isn’t tackling.

On audits serviced by SupplyPike, you get additional data from our team like:

Current status
Dispute and Approval information
Backup documentation
Updates from our Audit Team

Types of Walmart audits we can tackle

Excessive Defective Merchandise
Allowances Not Given
Failure to Combine Loads
Pricing Differences
Recover Price Protection
Freight for Orders Not Shipped in Full
Uncommon Audit Types
Partially Repaid Audits
Plus so much more! Get in touch about your audit needs.
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A game-changing platform for suppliers

What you can do with SupplyPike

Fight Deductions

See all your retailer deductions in one spot. Automatically attach your proof documents and submit disputes in seconds with one click.
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Maximize Cash Flow

Reconcile every deduction, ensure every dollar is accounted for, and boost your recovery rates through the roof.
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Solve Root Causes

Gain critical insights to determine where you're losing money and why. Isolate small problems early on to prevent big issues down the road.
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