How June Tailor automated their deductions processes

Discover how SupplyPike provided Jill Repp, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at June Tailor, with the tools to automate their deduction management process, resulting in an impressive 98% win rate.

Approved and paid back deductions
Increase in dispute rate
Dispute win rate for deductions
Customer Profile

For over six decades, June Tailor has stood at the forefront of the fabric and craft industry. Since 1961, they have been dedicated to creating and producing cutting-edge products tailored for sewing and quilting enthusiasts.

Company Size
<500,000 Annual Net Ships
Fabrics & Craft
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Pandemic-induced shortages lead to increased fines for June Tailor in 2020

In 2020, the global pandemic upheaved various aspects of individuals' lives and businesses worldwide. In the retail sector, shortage deductions became an unavoidable issue for suppliers, particularly with major players like Walmart, Target, and others.

Suppliers, in turn, either experienced direct financial losses or had to allocate capital elsewhere to better manage deductions and chargebacks. According to our data, the average Walmart supplier saw deductions accounting for 6.5% of their invoices, while some experienced losses exceeding 30%.

Disputing these deductions requires the use of various applications within Retail Link, a process that often proved unclear and confusing. Additionally, tracking down proof documentation could feel like an uphill battle, as suppliers must juggle, organize, and synthesize multiple pieces of information across multiple apps and platforms.

Before partnering with SupplyPike, June Tailor, like many others in the industry, grappled with unprecedented shortages during 2020. These challenges had a notable impact on their supply chain and directly affected their bottom line.


June Tailor achieved an impressive 98% win rate and recovered $211.53K

With SupplyPike, June Tailor was able to automate their deductions process, allowing them to identify invalid deductions easily and helping them dispute deductions in bulk. June Tailor achieved remarkable results in their deduction management process after implementing SupplyPike.

June Tailor successfully secured approvals and reimbursements totaling $211.53K from invalid deductions. Further, they saw a staggering 3,289.02% increase in the recovered dollar amount. This exemplifies their new ability to identify and rectify discrepancies and reclaim rightful funds.

“Time is money, and SupplyPike has saved us a ton of time and a lot of money. Highly recommend.” - Jill A. Repp, VP of Sales & Marketing

The ability to quickly dispute deductions with all the proper proof documents attached helps suppliers like June Tailor increase their dispute win rate. Now, June Tailor is confident when tackling deduction disputes, as they now have a 98% win rate.

Learn more about automated disputing

“Time is money, and SupplyPike has saved us a ton of time and a lot of money. Highly recommend.”

Jill A. Repp, VP of Sales & Marketing


"It is truly a partnership, and we're proud to be a partner of SupplyPike," acknowledges Josephson.

See what you can do with SupplyPike!

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Fight Deductions

Submit disputes with a single click and go after every penny you're owed.
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Maximize Cash Flow

Say hello to higher recovery rates with supply chain transparency and automated disputing.
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How June Tailor automated their deductions processes

Discover how SupplyPike provided Jill Repp, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at June Tailor, with the tools to automate their deduction management process, resulting in an impressive 98% win rate.

Approved and paid back deductions
Increase in dispute rate
Dispute win rate for deductions
Customer Profile

For over six decades, June Tailor has stood at the forefront of the fabric and craft industry. Since 1961, they have been dedicated to creating and producing cutting-edge products tailored for sewing and quilting enthusiasts.

Company Size
<500,000 Annual Net Ships
Fabrics & Craft
No items found.
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Pandemic-induced shortages lead to increased fines for June Tailor in 2020

In 2020, the global pandemic upheaved various aspects of individuals' lives and businesses worldwide. In the retail sector, shortage deductions became an unavoidable issue for suppliers, particularly with major players like Walmart, Target, and others.

Suppliers, in turn, either experienced direct financial losses or had to allocate capital elsewhere to better manage deductions and chargebacks. According to our data, the average Walmart supplier saw deductions accounting for 6.5% of their invoices, while some experienced losses exceeding 30%.

Disputing these deductions requires the use of various applications within Retail Link, a process that often proved unclear and confusing. Additionally, tracking down proof documentation could feel like an uphill battle, as suppliers must juggle, organize, and synthesize multiple pieces of information across multiple apps and platforms.

Before partnering with SupplyPike, June Tailor, like many others in the industry, grappled with unprecedented shortages during 2020. These challenges had a notable impact on their supply chain and directly affected their bottom line.

“Time is money, and SupplyPike has saved us a ton of time and a lot of money. Highly recommend.”

Jill A. Repp, VP of Sales & Marketing


June Tailor achieved an impressive 98% win rate and recovered $211.53K

With SupplyPike, June Tailor was able to automate their deductions process, allowing them to identify invalid deductions easily and helping them dispute deductions in bulk. June Tailor achieved remarkable results in their deduction management process after implementing SupplyPike.

June Tailor successfully secured approvals and reimbursements totaling $211.53K from invalid deductions. Further, they saw a staggering 3,289.02% increase in the recovered dollar amount. This exemplifies their new ability to identify and rectify discrepancies and reclaim rightful funds.

“Time is money, and SupplyPike has saved us a ton of time and a lot of money. Highly recommend.” - Jill A. Repp, VP of Sales & Marketing

The ability to quickly dispute deductions with all the proper proof documents attached helps suppliers like June Tailor increase their dispute win rate. Now, June Tailor is confident when tackling deduction disputes, as they now have a 98% win rate.

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